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Deep Dive

The tale of a single register value

November 03, 2021 2:37 PM

Deep Dive

It’s not every day that you get to debug what may well be a packet of death. It was certainly the first time for me. What do I mean by “a packet of death”? A software bug where the network stack crashes in reaction to a single received network packet, taking down the whole operating system with it. ...


November 27, 2020 1:00 PM

ASICs at the Edge

At Cloudflare, we pride ourselves in our global network that spans more than 200 cities in over 100 countries. To accelerate all that traffic through our network, there are multiple technologies at play. So let’s have a look at one of the cornerstones that makes all of this work....

October 27, 2020 12:00 PM

Diving into /proc/[pid]/mem

A few months ago, after reading about Cloudflare doubling its intern class, I quickly dusted off my CV and applied for an internship. Long story short: now, a couple of months later, I found myself staring at Linux kernel code and adding a pretty cool feature to gVisor....